
Reagan @ 4 months

First things first: there is rarely any sort of predictable routine for this little girl anymore! She throws me for a loop almost every day-- she'll decide to nurse only half the normal amount of time at a feeding, then go five or so hours until she's hungry again. She'll want to nap when I think she's hungry, she'll catnap and then be up for hours...she's everywhere! The one predictable part of her routine is a *very* early morning feeding...and I'd rather that not be a predictable routine. ;)

Reagan is sadly not a cuddler anymore! Except when she nurses in the middle of the night, she will not let me cradle her. She prefers to be facing out where she can watch all the activity. She's getting stronger and wants to either be sitting up straight or held so she can stand on my lap. Her playmat has been my saving grace when she's gotten off her routine and is fussing and I can't decipher if she's hungry or tired or just a little fussy. She usually perks up when she sees her toys-- although there are times that she definitely wants to be held and not put on her mat. So instead we get things done together!

Happy girl with her toys!

A rare morning that she fell asleep in my lap! I would gladly hold her the entire time but on these rare occasions, she's squirming after just a minute or two and is much more content in her bassinet.

From a particularly rough Sunday morning at church when she was *so* off any type of routine that I spent the entire service trying to feed her, giving up, trying to get her to sleep in the nursery (because if its hard for me to get her to sleep, I don't want the poor nursery workers to have to figure it out!) and then eventually giving up and going home because why sit at church when we take her home and nurse and nap in her own room?? She fell asleep in almost a completely straight position on me after crying for ages. Poor girl was just so exhausted! 

I can't help kissing her all the time! Those cheeks are too much.

And her little four month photo shoot...

...photobombed by those cute brothers of hers! I love these three so much.

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