
three months with Reagan

Three months with Reagan around! She's had her first Christmas-- and surely loved it. ;) She was probably more than happy all the craziness is over and she can get back to some quiet-ish naps.

Check up at the doctor and she was 11 lbs, 11 oz of pure cuteness! Handled shots like a champ and barely let it bother her after the first minute.

At this age (but not anymore!) she liked being cradled to sleep and she'd bury her face into our arms, almost upside down, which made it hard for her to keep a paci in! It was the funniest thing and quite the balancing act to get her settled and comfortable in such a strange position.

Fillin' out those cheeks nicely!

If she's asleep in her bassinet she's almost always got that left hand up by her face, just like below. She rubs her head side to side and knocks her paci out a million times as well before she finally settles down.

Its very rare that she wants to be wrapped up and carried anymore. Glad I got a photo of this snuggly girl while I could.

Just a sweet little outfit from Aunt Foo and Uncle Drew for Christmas.

Deric and I--and Reagan-- went on a date one night to Blaze Pizza and IKEA. We let Daddy order for us while we took selfies and people watched. She'll continue to be our third wheel for a few more months but she doesn't sleep through the dates like she did at first!

The smiles are getting bigger and her little laughs are starting too! 

The boys are learning what antics will make Reagan smile or laugh and its so fun to watch! Jake can hold her fairly well too now that she can sit up a little. I just tell him to bear hug her and it works!

Reagan loves her playmat (and so do her brothers!) She wiggles around constantly while she attempts to grab her toys. 

Reagan is such a happy baby and is so content to watch what's going on around her. She's a very happy baby and she is a total delight!

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