
9 months with Reagan

Reagan has definitely hit the "busy" stage! She loves to be held but is constantly squirming out of my arms, pulls my hair *all* the livelong day and wants to play with anything that's not a toy. She barely holds still long enough to nurse but can put away huge amounts of table food, especially her oatmeal at breakfast. She will tolerate purees but loves to eat finger foods on her own.

Sleepy girl after church!

First time sitting up by herself in her crib! I was so shocked when I walked in! She loves to sit up and flip her pacis onto the floor instead of falling asleep, but once she's asleep she takes some stellar naps!

She is so close to crawling! She's gotten on her hands and knees for the first time and I don't expect her to take long to figure the rest out.

Reagan made her first trip to Port Hope this month! She loved it just like the rest of us and got to try pizza and fried rice for the first time while we were there. (No ice cream yet!) She loved sitting on the swing with us and riding in the little stroller. There was always something to watch and someone to play with, so she was pretty content!

First time at the beach!

Reagan is really social and loves to smile at everyone, even strangers! When she gets a smile back, she gets all sheepish and smiles but then hides for a second. So sweet to watch and of course, makes her pretty popular with people.

Fourth of July in a cute patriotic outfit thanks to a friend! 

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