
Reagan: 8 months

Reagan is the happiest girl! She loves to play with her brothers (and they love to play with her baby toys...) and she thinks they're so funny. Jake entertains her a lot in the car with silly faces and noises, which she just eats up.

First time in a bathing suit, and I could just die! There is nothing better. I was pregnant when I bought her this suit and I dreamed of when she would finally be here to wear it, and I am so thankful she's here!

Reagan gets her own little "pool" while the boys cannonball and slide in their big pool. Its just enough water for her and I can keep her in the shade!

Not where I left her! She is gettin' mobile slowly but surely...

This little winter baby has to get used to the new texture of grass but she didn't hate it! I have to stay eagle-eyed to make sure she doesn't eat it.

Reagan has finally mastered putting herself to sleep (mostly because she can put her paci in by herself now!) I'll listen to her rolling around in the crib and talking to herself, and then she'll be out like a light-- always on her belly. She's a master puffs eater and really loves big breakfasts. She can throw down a bowl of oatmeal the same size as her brothers'! 

She can babble "mama" and she has me hoping it will be her first word, but we'll see! She loves to be tickled and has the best laugh! We love her so much!

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