
half a year already?!

Its all happening too fast! Little lady has two tiny teeth poking through that bottom gum and is a growly, slobbery to prove it. She can roll out of tummy time as soon as I set her up to play and she's always happy about that little trick. I did finally catch her rolling from her back to her belly this evening in an attempt to grab one of the Hot Wheel cars! We're making a more conscious effort to work with her on sitting up as we realized she's supposed to be a little better at sitting by this point than she is (poor third kid!) and just in the few times we've sat with her, she's done really well!

She loves to blow raspberries and growl away at the boys or me throughout the day. No high-pitched voice for her yet!

^^figuring out grass and dandelions for the first time!

After a few weeks of sleep training (after I had the realization that she was rarely napping for longer than 45 minutes and that *had* to stop, duh), she's thankfully way more consistent throughout the day and napping much longer. She's 75/25 on putting herself to sleep but is slowly getting better at it! She loves her morning nap and is out like a light within an hour and a half of waking up. I'm always so jealous when I put her down for that nap-- such a hard life. ;)

^^ happy girl waking up from her nap on Easter!

When Reagan's tired, all I have to do is put her pacifier in and she'll immediately draw her hands up behind her head-- even when she's up straight in my arms! Its so funny and also helpful to have a confirmation that she's ready to sleep.

She thinks its funny to lean back in my arms and let me catch her, which seems like kind of a risky game to enjoy at this age! But she's caught on to the game and will lean backwards without warning. Thankfully I've got quick reflexes. ;) She loves when the boys interact with her, especially Jake. He'll read books to her and try to make her laugh and she eats it up.

Reagan has tried bananas, sweet potatoes and avocados so far. Its taken her a few weeks to actually start eating any food instead of spitting it all back out and surprisingly, avocado was the first food that she swallowed consistently. She does not love sweet potato so I've been mixing it with milk for her. She's mostly eaten bananas because I haven't had much time to make sweet potato for her but its time to pull out the baby food maker and get this girl eating!

Reagan's blue eyes look like they're here to stay and her hair is slowly getting more fuzzy! I can't wait to see what color and texture hair she has. Here's to lots of fun changes coming up-- but can time also somehow slow down?!

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